We heard from community members and have updated the FAQs.

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As we responded to these emails directly, we identified opportunities to include new FAQs, and several opportunities to clarify existing FAQs. As a result, we have updated the project FAQs, to include additional information about (but not limited to):

  • – the school site,
  • – future potential emergency services,
  • – the public engagement process, and the May 2024 Information Session public notification radius.

We encourage you to read through the FAQ responses and reach out to our team if you have any questions.

What is the project status?

We are currently preparing the updated Oxbow ASP and supporting technical studies to submit to Foothills County.

Following submission, Foothills County will review the application and, once the application is deemed complete, a formal circulation process will be undertaken. The circulation process will provide the opportunity for Foothills County to provide their and obtain other circulation agency comments, and then the County will formally set a date for a Public Hearing (the date has not yet been set). We will continue to provide project updates on this News and Events Page as we move closer to the submission of the updated Oxbow Area Structure Plan this fall.

Want to connect?  Contact us


We’ve updated the FAQ’s.

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Our efforts to promote the two engagement sessions included the placement of 6 outdoors signs (i.e., 3 signs located on the Oxbow lands adjacent to roadways and 3 signs along Dunbow Road in highly visible locations), a mailout to some 475 residences, notices in two community e-newsletters (Davisburg Community Association and Cottonwood Golf and Country Club) which are sent to over 1,000 individuals, and through radio promotion (100.9 FM). We would like to thank everyone who took the time to learn more about the project!

At these sessions, we had the opportunity to discuss the updated project, and answer questions from community members.  We heard a variety of questions and comments from community members and stakeholders, including themes related to density, traffic, infrastructure upgrades, water servicing, environmental wellbeing, future community amenities and services (e.g. schools, commercial services, and recreational and open space features).

We have updated our website’s FAQ page to reflect comments and questions received during the engagement sessions. We encourage you to read through the FAQ responses and reach out to our team if you have any questions.

What is the project status?

We are currently preparing the updated Oxbow ASP to submit to Foothills County. Once submitted, Foothills County will review the application and complete a circulation process, to provide their and other circulation agency comments, and then set a date for a Public Hearing (the date has not yet been set). We will continue to provide project updates on this News and Events Page as we move closer to the submission of the updated Oxbow Area Structure Plan this summer

Want to connect? Contact us

Thank you for coming to the Information Session and Webinar!

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Reporting back on the Information Sessions

We had 144 people attend the in-person Information Session, and 27 people attend the virtual webinar.

Through comments and questions that we received at the Information Sessions, we heard the following themes during our conversations with community members, including:

• Questions related to proposed density, size, and location of the development and how the development may impact the rural character of the area.

• Interest from some neighbours regarding potential community-wide benefits from the development, including fiberoptic cable, potential fire hall, and multi-use trails.

• Questions related to increased traffic in the area, including timing, cost, and responsibility for road improvements, and what development thresholds (e.g., number of houses) will trigger certain upgrades along Dunbow Road and surrounding roads.

• Interest in proposed multi-family townhomes and/or villa housing for aging-in-place opportunities within Foothills County.

• Interest in how the proposed development will be serviced (e.g., water and wastewater), including questions related to water intake locations, availability of licenses, and ownership of proposed water and wastewater treatment facilities.

• Questions about potential impacts to wildlife habitat and the timing associated with future environmental studies.

• Interest in how quickly commercial opportunities might be able to be constructed to allow additional retail choice for the area.

• Concerns around light pollution, noise and increased crime resulting from the development, as well as impacts to the surrounding neighbours during construction (i.e., traffic, noise, dust, etc.).

• Questions related to location, construction, and operational timeline for proposed plan amenities, including emergency service sites and the school site.

We are reviewing and considering these questions and comments as we finalize the updated Oxbow ASP. We will provide an update to the community once we submit the updated Oxbow ASP to Foothills County.

Didn’t get a chance to attend the events?

If you would like to view the engagement information that was shared during the recent Information Sessions, please use the link below to open the attachment of the Engagement Boards shared at the in-person Information Session on May 7, 2024. If you have any questions following your review of the material, please feel free to connect directly with the project team using the contact information located on the Contact Us tab.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Information Session Engagement Boards

We want to share the updated concept plan with you! Attend our upcoming Information Sessions.

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In-Person Session – Drop-In (No registration required)

Date: Tue May 07 2024
Time: 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Davisburg Community Hall (258117 – 96 Street East Foothills, Alberta T1S 3Y7)
Format: Drop-in discussion (No formal presentation)

Virtual Webinar Session – Registration Required
Date: Thrs May 09 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Format: Webinar

Register for the webinar to receive the Zoom link through our event page: https://oxbowASP.eventbrite.ca