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Frequently asked questions

We're here to answer your questions!

What stage is the ASP at now?

Foothills County held First Reading and a Public Hearing for the Oxbow ASP on January 18 ,2023 and further deliberated on the Oxbow Area Structure Plan on February 1, 2023. At this February 1, 2023 meeting Council did not support approval of the original application.

Since then, we have been reviewing input from that earlier process, obtaining additional input, conducting further technical analysis, and revising the community design to reflect key comments that we heard from a broad range of stakeholders.

We are excited to resubmit a new Oxbow ASP to Foothills County in spring 2024. Once submitted, Foothills County will complete a comprehensive review of the new Oxbow ASP before setting a date for First Reading and a Public Hearing.

How has the Oxbow ASP been updated?

From the onset of the project, we wanted to make sure we developed an ASP for the Oxbow lands that reflects and respects the surrounding local and regional influences.

Following further technical analysis and revision of the community design, we have made some specific changes to the new Oxbow ASP, including:

• A reduction in the size of the community from 1235 acres to 640 acres to make sure the plan is in compliance with the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Growth Plan and the Hamlet Growth Area policy and direction. Any future development past the initial 640 acres would fall under a future ASP and/or ASP amendment, requiring additional consideration by Foothills County and the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (e.g. as a Hamlet Expansion Area).

Increased flood mitigation through development setbacks following provincial 1:200-year flood inundation mapping data and as a result, more naturalized open space along the Bow River’s edge.

• Given feedback from Foothills County, amenities (pathways and parks) previously located in the riverfront area have been relocated within the community to allow for a naturalized river valley and habitat preservation and creation.

• Bolstering environmental sustainability in the new Oxbow ASP by reinforcing and adding policy direction supporting dark sky, water conservation and green energy initiatives, as well as opportunities for the introduction of drought resistant landscape in the community design.

• Conversion of proposed stormwater ponds to reconstructed wetlands to accommodate increased biodiversity and riparian habitat.

Updated Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) with local and regional transportation improvements based on anticipated trip generation from the revised community design.

• Allocation of land for emergency service amenities to service Foothills County.

How have you engaged with the community?

It has always been important to Walton to connect with our neighbours, and this continues to be the case today. Since we initiated the Oxbow ASP in 2015, we spent time with you around coffee tables, at open houses, and door knocking around the area.

In 2020, we reconnected with the community. However, due to public health and safety requirements in place at the time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we met with you online to discuss the project.

Throughout the project, we have met with a Community Advisory Group. Members of this group are residents and business owners in the area and have generously provided their insight and guidance on development of the Oxbow lands.

What upcoming engagement opportunities will there be to inform the revised Oxbow ASP?

We will be reconnecting with neighbours in Spring 2024 before we resubmit the new Oxbow ASP to Foothills County.

Upcoming engagement opportunities will include e-newsletter updates, community advisory committee discussions, mailouts to adjacent neighbours, on-site and roadside signage, and in-person and virtual Information Sessions. Sign up for our e-newsletter to receive updates to your email or visit the News and Event page for up-to-date engagement information.