Spring Update
Most recently, we are actively working with the MD of Foothills staff to determine the requirements and technical studies needed to support the Area Structure Plan application process. These studies include a water and wastewater strategy, a stormwater master drainage plan, a biophysical impact assessment and a transportation impact analysis. We expect to complete these studies over the coming months with the goal of having an Area Structure Plan application ready for submission in late 2016.
Leading up to making an application, we will continue to update and converse with the community regularly. There is ample opportunity to provide input on future concept plans as the process evolves. Our next formal community event is being planned for the Fall where the community will be able to see and comment on our project vision, guiding principles and potential high-level concept plans. Stay tuned for details.
Prior to the next community gathering, we continue to encourage our neighbours to reach out and provide us with additional thoughts and ideas and ask any questions which will help shape this process and our community. Please contact us here.
Winter Update
Frequently Asked Questions Updated
Through the second half of 2015 we were fortunate to meet with many of our neighbours, community members and other stakeholders to discuss our lands. These conversations have allowed us to learn much more about the community and the many shared values that are important to existing residents. In our meetings we learned that some people have concerns about future growth in the region and the associated impacts. We also fielded many questions about our vision, plans and goals. We don’t have all the answers at this point as we are still very early in our process, but we have compiled a list of these Frequently Asked Questions and our responses to date that you can read here. We will continue to update and add new questions as they are asked to us and new information becomes available. If there are any questions that you have that are not on this list, please contact us at any time and we will be happy to discuss them with you.
Meet & Greet Drop-In on February 24, 2016
Walton will be hosting a community-wide Meet & Greet event on February 24, 2016 at the Davisburg Hall. This is a great opportunity to meet members of our team and learn more about us, provide us with your thoughts on the community and our lands, as well as ask any questions. We are very early in the process and as a result do not have material to share but are interested in gaining your input into what is important for us to consider. We look forward to seeing those we have already chatted with again and meeting new faces that we haven’t met yet. We will be at the Hall from 3pm-7pm so please stop by, introduce yourselves and join the discussion.
Fall Update
Alberta Culture and Tourism Update
Did you know there are recorded archaeological sites on the property? According to studies by Alberta Culture and Tourism and Bison Historical Services, there are 19. Of these sites, Alberta Culture and Tourism has identified 8 of them as being significant and warranting additional study. Of particular importance, there is a buffalo jump site and prehistoric campsite located on the eastern lower bench adjacent to the Bow River that has been designated as a Provincial Historic Resource.
Walton and Bison Historical Services have completed a Historical Resources Impact Assessment of the entire project area and we are now working closely with Alberta Culture and Tourism to ensure these areas are properly studied, documented, and preserved during the planning process. Walton recognizes the value and importance of Alberta’s historic resources and is committed to working with Alberta Culture and Tourism and the community to ensure these resources are respected.
As part of their ongoing ‘Flood Recovery Project’, Alberta Culture and Tourism and their consulting team will be conducting additional archaeological studies of the buffalo jump and campsites this October in an effort to better understand these valuable resources. On Thursday, October 1, 2015, media were invited to tour the site as part of efforts to create public awareness about the Government of Alberta flood recovery efforts around historic sites throughout the Province, with a particular focus on the buffalo jump located on the eastern side of the property.
For more information about Historical Resources in Alberta and how they are managed, please visit: http://culture.alberta.ca/